Join or Renew Your Big Island Press Club Membership Today!
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Membership is for the fiscal year January 1 to December 31. There are 4 types of memberships:
-as a professional, being a member of the press is your primary occupation (20 hours or more per week) reporting, editing, or managing written, photo or video news, editorial content or teaching journalism/retiree formerly so engaged. Annual dues are $25.00.
-as an associate, your primary occupation is in advertising, public relations/part-time press professional (less than 20 hours/week) as described above/published author. Annual dues are $25.00
-for a general membership to support the work of the Big Island Press Club. Annual dues are $25.00
-as a student, you can support the work of the Big Island Press Club for reduced annual dues of $5.00, which are paid offline.
Special conditions